Severe Hematologic Manifestations Among Filipino Patients With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: a 5-Year Retrospective Cohort Study
Rodeo V. Navarroza, Sandra V. Navarra
Apr 2022 DOI 10.35460/2546-1621.2019-0045 Access

Objective: Determination of the prevalence of severe hematologic manifestations among Filipino patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and analysis of any association with organ involvement and serology.
Methods: This cross-sectional study included SLE patients 19 years old and above seen at the UST Hospital from 2012 to 2017. Patients with severe hematologic manifestations (severe hemolytic anemia, severe thrombocytopenia, and ES[ES]) were identified and their prevalence determined. Independent t-test was used to compare continuous variables. Categorical variables were measured using the chi-square test; odds ratios (OR) with their corresponding 95% confidence interval were calculated using the SPSS software version 21. This study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board.
Results: Of the 253 patients (238 females, 94.07%), the mean age at diagnosis was 27.04 (SD 9.96) years. Severe hematologic involvement was noted in 12.26% (n=31); severe hemolytic anemia was the most prevalent (14, 5.53%), followed by severe thrombocytopenia (13, 5.14%) and ES (4, 1.58%). Higher prevalence of major organ involvement was observed among patients who manifest with severe hematologic disease. Severe thrombocytopenia was more likely to have cardiac involvement (OR 7.39, 95% CI 1.90 to 28.81, p=0.004). A higher prevalence of negative baseline anti-dsDNA serology was seen among patients who developed ES.
Conclusion: Severe hematologic involvement was noted in 12.26% of Filipino SLE patients, with hemolytic anemia as the most frequently recorded. Severe thrombocytopenia was associated with cardiac involvement among these patients. Patients developing ES tend to have a negative anti-dsDNA serology.
Keywords: systemic lupus erythematosus, severe hematologic manifestations, hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia
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