Message from the Editor-In Chief
After more than a year of discussion and planning, we finally launch the first edition of JMUST: Journal of Medicine, University of Santo Thomas. Welcome!
JMUST is a fully peer reviewed, international open access, online journal for scholarly research on medicine officially published by the UST Faculty of Medicine and Surgery (UST-FMS) and the UST Hospital (USTH). With its dedicated electronic publishing and online authoring platform, JMUST joins the global community of mainstream scientific journals, providing fast and friendly access to select medical research studies originating in the Philippines.
We were inspired by JMUST’s predecessor STJM (Santo Tomas Journal of Medicine) which gained recognition in print media as local journal for many years, with its final issues going online. Year 2005 was the last edition of STJM. Despite almost 12 years without a dedicated medical journal, the faculty and alumni of UST-FMS as well as the hospital medical staff, residents and fellows in training of USTH submitted their scientific research work to international medical journals for publication and gained recognition beyond the Philippines. Encouraged by this achievement, and in anticipation of the quantum of research from USTH and UST-FMS that can be made more readily available through an online open access format, the UST-FMS Dean and the USTH Medical Director brought JMUST to life. We are extremely grateful for the leadership and vision of the Dean (with the FMS Regent), and the Medical Director (with the Hospital CEO). We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the University Rector and the Finance departments of both UST-FMS and USTH for their invaluable support.
JMUST’s point of differentiation is its plan to engender much needed and timely robust research collaboration between Philippine and international scientific communities for the purpose of publishing for a global audience. The JMUST editorial team will wholeheartedly support efforts to conduct workshops on research methodology and guidelines to encourage this scientific research collaboration leading to publication.
The JMUST articles are freely available online to the reading public and will be full of new information on certain diseases and treatment opportunities. We believe our online journal’s core audience will expand from global scientific and academic communities to the general public, many of whom are vigilant in their search for quality medical or healthcare content.
For our maiden issue of JMUST, we present a wide range of significant research into the fore: two review articles on topics of social medicine and clinical science; four qualitative papers; two quantitative papers; one mixed qualitative and quantitative paper; two case reports and one research proposal. For a start, we plan to publish two issues per year and have the opportunity to enter another venue of recognition - the WPRIM (Western Pacific Index Medicus). We are in the process of submitting requirements to National Journal Selection Committee for regional accreditation, under auspices of the DOST-PCHRD and WHO.
For all those submitting articles, our Editorial Board (eventually to be expanded from the current list of included Internationally known researchers, authors and reviewers) can assure you of a fair, robust and time-managed peer review process. As an open access publication, manuscript submissions with peer review process will be accessible not just to UST’s medical students, residents, fellows and consultant staff, but also to those outside our community, local and international. Authors and reviewers using our online authoring platform for manuscript submissions and review will find the JMUST process straightforward and easy to use.
For those would-be researchers and authors who may have been hesitating to submit their material for publication, we say Ex nihilo nihil fit (nothing comes from nothing). The time for UST to join the global stage in presenting scientific research in a digital and accessible format is now. Welcome to the maiden issue of JMUST!
Journal Resources
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