Strengthening Nutrition Knowledge of Pregnant Women Through Nutrition Education During Public Health Emergencies
Fidel Mar G. Sebastian, Wilhelmina A. Mercado, Maria Victoria A. Rondaris, Mary Agnes S. Regal, Ermengard C. Gemira
Apr 2022 DOI 10.35460/2546-1621.2021-0091 Access

Proper maternal nutrition evidently results in good pregnancy outcomes both for the mother and born infant. However, the process leading to good nutrition during pregnancy remains a challenge most especially during public health emergencies, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought limitations on access to a variety of foods as well as nutrition services. Thus, nutrition education through the provision of contextualized information, education and communication (IEC) materials was explored as an alternative delivery strategy. The delivery strategy aims to increase the number of pregnant women in Barangay Palanan, Makati City, Philippines who have adequate nutrition knowledge through IEC materials-based nutrition education that is contextualized during public health emergencies. As an outcome, the delivery strategy intends to increase the number of pregnant women who have normal nutritional status as determined by weight per month of pregnancy. Results in determining the adequacy of nutrition knowledge through pre- and post-testing show that there is a 10% increase in the passing rate from 59% at baseline to 69% at endline. From the number of pregnant women who have taken the post-test, a remarkable 52% have either post-test scores that are maintained or improved. Meanwhile, for pregnant women who have normal nutritional status, an increase of 5% was seen given by 46% at baseline to 51% at endline. Ultimately, IEC materials-based nutrition education may serve as a supplementary approach in the continuous provision of nutrition services to attain good nutrition of pregnant women amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
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