Constrictive Entrapment Neuropathies of a Limb Secondary to Restraint Strapping: A Case Report


Rationale: Entrapment neuropathies are peripheral nerve disorders at specific anatomical locations. They may be caused by trauma in a manner of sprains or bone fracture, but it is often caused by repetitive insults or compression of nerves as they travel through a narrow anatomic space. Pregnancy and pre-existing comorbidities such as diabetes, obesity, cancer, or autoimmune diseases may also cause nerve entrapment.

Objective: To highlight the case of a 52-year-old female developing right foot dysesthesia and weakness after continuous restraint strapping from her previous hospitalization.

Case: Here we have the case of a 52-year-old Filipino female consulted because of right foot dysesthesia, allodynia, and mild weakness. She had a history of bipolar disorder and recent onset of acute psychosis and overdosing with her irregularly taken maintenance olanzapine tablets. She was put on restraint strapping of the right lower limb in her one-week hospital stay. This resulted in developing restraint marks on her right ankle accompanied by difficulty walking on heels and toes, spontaneous dysesthesia, and touch allodynia of her entire right foot. An electrodiagnosis yielded right lower limb focal neuropathies involving the right fibular nerve, right tibial nerve, right superficial fibular, and right sural nerves. The prescribed amitriptyline and gabapentin for 6 months led to gradual improvement of neuropathic pain.

Discussion and Summary: Our case exemplifies focal limb neuropathies from entrapment due to restraint strapping. Electrodiagnostic confirmation of neuropathies of the same limb sensory and motor nerves was mandated to corroborate clinical neuropathic pain and after ruling out other causes of entrapment neuropathies. Prolonged use of neuropathic pain medications were needed to attain relief in this present case. Restrictive strapping is an iatrogenic cause of entrapment neuropathy that is preventable, had there been proper medical attention applied.


Key words: Entrapment neuropathy, mononeuropathy, iatrogenic, nerve compression syndrome, restraints, focal neuropathy, case report


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