Body Dysmorphia and Selfie Behavior of Filipino Patients With and Without Mild Acne Vulgaris: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study
Carina Callangan Santiago, Daisy King-Ismael, Marc Eric S. Reyes
Apr 2023 DOI 10.35460/2546-1621.2022-0042 Access

Acne vulgaris (AV) is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that is non-life-threatening but may cause significant psychological morbidity regardless of severity. An extreme case of this is depicted in body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), which is often an undiagnosed condition presenting with excessive preoccupation of perceived flaws not observable by others. With the increasing popularity of social media throughout the years, there has been budding researches exploring its psychological implications, particularly on “selfies” and its possible association with self-image and body dysmorphia.
To compare body dysmorphic symptoms and selfie behavior between patients with mild AV versus those without AV.
Methods This is a single-center, cross-sectional study among patients with mild AV and those without AV seen through a teledermatology platform of a tertiary hospital from April to June 2022.
A total of 207 patients were included in this study – 107 patients with mild AV and 100 patients without AV. A significantly higher proportion of BDD symptoms was seen in patients with mild AV using either Body Dysmorphic Disorder Questionnaire-Dermatology Version (BDDQ-DV) (31%) and Dysmorphic Concern Questionnaire (DCQ) (14%). No significant difference was noted in terms of selfie behavior between the groups.
BDD symptoms were significantly more prevalent in patients who have mild AV despite having lesions that are negligible and clinically not apparent. This highlights the importance of dermatologists’ knowledge that BDD may cause distress and impairment and should be taken into consideration in terms of management. Interestingly, selfie behavior of patients with mild AV and without AV had no significant difference.
Key words: Body dysmorphia, acne vulgaris, social media, selfie behavior, cross-sectional
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