Translation, Adaptation, and Validation of the Filipino Version of the Telehealth Usability Questionnaire (TUQ-F)
Allyssa Jiselle M. Cabalonga, Oella Mari M. Cabangon, Joshua Adrielle T. Cabra, Ian Lindley C. Cabral, Ma. Frances F. Cagampan, Nick Louise A. Cajano, Jhovenay U. Calixto, Ma. Teresa Tricia Guison-Bautista, Ma. Minerva P. Calimag, Wennielyn F. Fajilan, John Dale V. Trogo
Apr 2023 DOI 10.35460/2546-1621.2022-0045 Access

Introduction: Telemedicine services have steadily been relied upon since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding its usability and contextual performance is of paramount importance if it were to pervade the local health delivery system. Hence, a tool to assess usability is warranted.
Objective: The study aims to adapt a reliable and validated instrument in English to Filipino, the Telehealth Usability Questionnaire (TUQ), on evaluating the usability of telemedicine services in the Philippines.
Methodology: The research is a translation and validation study. The methodology includes forward translation in collaboration with our UST Sentro sa Salin at Araling Salin and expert panel review with five experts using the telehealth system. It was followed by pretesting (pilot testing and cognitive debriefing) of the pre-final tool to 30 family medicine telehealth patients and field testing of the final instrument to 85 telehealth patients from USTH. Appropriate statistical methods for assessment included internal consistency, content validity and linguistic with conceptual equivalence.
Results: All translated items were retained, but through the focus group discussion, several statements were modified to fit the cultural context. Each item and the overall tool showed excellent validity and internal consistency. The mean difference scores for each item and domain were less than ±0.25. Tests of equivalence showed that majority of items and each domain were not statistically different (p>0.05), suggesting that both questionnaires are similar and homogenous. Furthermore, the Bland-Altman plots for each dimension/domain are within the upper and lower boundaries indicating agreement between the two versions.
Conclusion: TUQ-Filipino is a valid and appropriate instrument to assess telehealth usability in the local setting.
Key words: Telehealth, TUQ-F, Cross-Cultural Adaptation, Validation, Filipino
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