The Need to Vaccinate Against COVID-19


Globally, now in the third year of the pandemic, COVID-19 deaths have exceeded more than 6 million. As new subvariants emerge and spread, vaccines work to limit the worst of COVID-19 and continue to be important. Restraints are lifted, and COVID-19 may be seen as done for some, but COVID-19 is not yet done with others, no matter how badly everyone wants it to end. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has caused considerable morbidity and mortality worldwide. The protection provided by vaccines and booster doses offer a method of mitigating severe clinical outcomes and mortality. As debates over additional booster shots for COVID-19 intensify, many researchers are looking to the universal coronavirus vaccine model as a guide for managing future variants of SARS-CoV-2 and preempt the next COVID-19 surge.

Key words: Pandemic, COVID-19, Vaccination, Health Inequity, Pregnancy, Booster, Universal Vaccines

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