The Typology of Physicians According to Perspectives on Telemedicine During and Beyond the Covid-19 Pandemic
Marcellus Francis L. Ramirez, Maria Minerva P. Calimag
Apr 2023 DOI 10.35460/2546-1621.2023-0018 Access

Introduction: The coronavirus (CoVid-19) pandemic brought about a massive impact to the healthcare system, including disruption of patient follow-ups and consultations. Subsequently, an increase in physicians’ use of telemedicine was seen. While this technology has been documented to improve delivery of care, it has encountered varied acceptance among physicians. Gaps in specific national legislation, lack of established rules and accreditation standards, and ethical/legal implications add to the concerns. Anchored on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model, this study aimed to segment physicians according to their perspectives regarding telemedicine during the pandemic.
Methods: A mixed methods sequential explanatory design using Q-methodology was applied to identify distinct patterns and perceptions of physicians on the use of telemedicine during the pandemic. A Q-sample of 25 statements on perceptions of telemedicine was developed through literature review, and 24 physicians were purposively selected. Participants were instructed to sort statements into a distribution grid according to their degree of agreement/disagreement. Post-sorting interview was conducted to expound on their response. Data were analyzed using by-person factor analysis through the PQMethod software version 2.35.
Result and Conclusion: The analysis identified four profiles which were classified under the following perspective typologies: the “Outcomes-focused Physician” focused on the importance of arriving at a correct diagnosis and lack of physical examination; the “Patient-focused Physician” considered patients’ convenience and safety during the pandemic; the “Empathy-focused Physician” gave importance to the emotional aspect of a consultation; and the “Technology-focused Physician” was concerned about the patient’s technology literacy. The results can generate insights into professional, ethical and legal implications of telemedicine in medical practice, and provide healthcare organizations, academic institutions, and policy makers information and guidance in the modification and improvement of telemedicine services in the 'new normal'.
Key words: telemedicine, perceptions, physicians, pandemic, CoVid-19
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