Psychiatric Morbidities After Stroke in Asia: A Systematic Review
Meliza Angelica J. De Leon, Alejandro C. Baroque II
Oct 2023 DOI 10.35460/2546-1621.2023-0021 Access

Background: Stroke is currently the second leading cause of death worldwide and is one of the leading causes of long-term disability . Mood disorders are prevalent after a stroke and may hinder physical, functional, and cognitive recovery; hence, it is undeniably necessary to recognize them early. Stroke mortality is generally higher in Asia as most of the countries therein are in economic transition . Socioeconomic status is a major contributor to stroke burden as greater odds of disability are found in patients with lower educational status and income.
Objectives: The primary objective of this study is to identify the psychiatric morbidities commonly seen after a stroke in Asia.
Search Methods: The following databases were utilized for extensive literature search: PubMed (January 2002 to June 2022), Cochrane Library (January 2002 to June 2022), and EBSCO (January 2002 to June 2022). The search made use of keyword combinations, Boolean operators "AND" and "OR," truncations, and field tags last October 2022.
Selection Criteria: Articles on the prevalence and cross-sectional studies were included if they involved stroke survivors who developed post-stroke psychiatric morbidities in Asia. Additional inclusion criteria consisted of studies that have to be written in the English language and having free full texts available.
Data Collection and Analysis: This systematic review made use of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) standards and guidelines. The JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist for Studies Reporting Prevalence Data was used in the assessment for the quality of articles to be included in this systematic review.
Results and Conclusion: Affective disorders and generalized anxiety disorder were the common psychiatric morbidities identified post-stroke. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) may be used to diagnose post-stroke depression and anxiety. Males in their middle to late adulthood with higher National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) scores and poor stroke outcomes (higher scores in the Modified Rankin Scale) were associated with a higher likelihood of developing the aforementioned psychiatric morbidities.
Keywords: post-stroke, depression, anxiety, mania, psychosis, Asia
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