Launching of Honora Medicum
Fr. Angel Aparicio
Apr 2023 DOI 10.35460/2546-1621.2023-0035 Access

We have gathered here for the launching of the book entitled HONORA MEDICUM. Do not ask how important this book is for us. Let me ask you, instead. What moved you to be here today? At first sight, I view your presence to this event as a tribute to an institution that has contributed enormously to the Philippines, not only in the field of health, but also in the other areas of the commonwealth. This is our history. Very important! We are part of it, an army of about 40,000 doctors, which gives us a feeling of collective accomplishment, a reason to believe that we have not been wasting our lives. We rejoice to be associated with the USTFMS, our alma mater. Proud to be a Thomasian doctor!
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