Evidence-Based Teaching (EBT) in Medical Education: Addressing the Challenges of Bridging Didactic Knowledge to Clinical Application
Leilani B. Mercado-Asis, Melvin R. Marcial
Apr 2023 DOI 10.35460/2546-1621.2023-0041 Access

Although evidence-based teaching has been adopted in various learning disciplines, its adoption in medical education remains challenging. To graduate a full-fledged well-rounded physician equipped to face the real-world challenges of diagnosis and treating diseases is the ultimate goal of every medical institution. Medical students’ clinical competence is anchored on the approach of facilitators’ acquired teaching expertise and how they apply learned techniques to connect basic knowledge to clinical skill enhancement. Are these approaches within the realm of evidence-based teaching? The subsequent discussion will elaborate on proven effective strategies [Problem-Based Learning (PBL), Outcome-Based Education (OBE)] and how a strategic teaching and learning tool [Target-Oriented Clinical Skill Enhancement (TOCSE)] has proven to address the issue.
Key words: medical education, evidence-based teaching, student motivation, didactic knowledge, clinical application, Target-Oriented Clinical Skill Enhancement (TOCSE)
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