Preferences of Medical Technology Students on COVID-19 Personal Preventive Behaviors and University Safety Protocols: A Conjoint Analysis
Ma. Camille Andrea Urbano, Ria Anne Arellano, Shanandra Rose Dizon, Nicole Dominique Foja, Jonas Galgana, Lyka Gabrielle Terrado, Paula Nadine Tuazon, Florence Navidad
Apr 2024 DOI 10.35460/2546-1621.2023-0072 Access

The increase in coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases in the Philippines has created an alarming issue in high-density public places, such as schools and universities. Personal preventive behaviors that the students exercise play a big part in whether such behaviors prevent or only predispose them even more to contracting the virus. Several factors may influence the personal preventive behaviors of an individual. These include attitude, awareness, personal beliefs, and culture concerning the disease. Through outlining these several factors, the researchers aim to identify the main attributes that determine students’ preferred COVID-19 personal preventive behavior and implemented precautionary measures.
The researchers used a two-part survey: socioeconomic and demographic followed by an orthogonal plan. The safety protocols implemented by the university were found to be the most important factor, followed by knowledge about the disease, communication channels, attitude, and social construct of the family. Thus, this follows that based on the attribute’s importance value, the students prefer safety protocols that are most implemented by the university while social construct of the family is the least preferred. These findings suggest that the safety protocols implemented by the university are the most important factor, hence, policy implementation and strengthening should be observed by the university.
Keywords: COVID-19, preventive behavior, knowledge, perception, attitude
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