Viewpoint: Genicular Nerve Hydrodissection for Knee Osteoarthritis Pain Management
Mary Monica N. Bernardo-Bueno, Consuelo B. Gonzalez-Suarez, Steve Milanese
Oct 2024 DOI 10.35460/2546-1621.2024-0177 Access

Knee pain secondary to knee osteoarthritis is one of the most common reasons for consultation in patients 50 years old and above. Due to limitations of current management options for knee osteoarthritis, studies seeking alternative treatment techniques have emerged, including procedures targeting knee innervation. The effectiveness of nerve hydrodissection for managing neuropathies such as carpal tunnel syndrome has been demonstrated but has not been applied to nerves that innervate the knee to manage osteoarthritis. This article discusses the potential application of ultrasound-guided nerve hydrodissection to the anterior innervation of the knee, known as the genicular nerves, for pain management in patients with osteoarthritis.
Knee osteoarthritis, knee pain, nerve hydrodissection, genicular nerves, genicular nerve hydrodissection
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